Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Fear You Won't Fall

"Part of the beauty of falling in love is the fear you won't fall." Women are not quickly swayed by a man's courtly love anymore. As a matter of fact, does courtly love even exist? What happened to wooing a woman into falling madly in love? I guess this is not medieval times, but something about the idea of courtly romance sounds unfamiliar and inviting.

Today most men and women fear love's ambiguity. Men are more interested in seeming to be single and uninterested than actually committing and admitting to themselves that they love someone. Women, aware of men's unstableness, do not want to allow themselves to fall head over heals with the fear that men will not fall back. I believe this is what causes a division in women who still traditionally choose to rely on a man's love and those who toughen up, take the man's position and are able to make the calls for themselves.

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