Monday, October 4, 2010

Married Women, I am Not Married, but Listen!

There's something called the institution of marriage. Now like I stated in my previous blog, men and women join in holy matrimony (when the time is "right") and begin a new period of their lives together. Two people begin by sharing their hearts, and continue their entire lives sharing their thoughts, their bodies, children, a home, and etc. Not all people believe in this institution, just like not all people believe in the institution of religion, politics or school. Everyone is entitled to their own principles, but I'm personally fueling this essay off the idea that the majority of people get married and later form a family by producing children.

Now whether you start having sex before or after marriage is irrelevant. The relevancy is found in the amount of years you have sex with your partner. (Keep in mind I am playing devil's advocate.) Your first ten years both of you are blooming. New flowers are blossoming, the soil you're running on is still fertile and fresh. There are no arid spaces. As the kids begin to grow older, parenthood enters a tedious routine that might (or might not) begin interfering with yours and your husband's sex life. (Again I am discussing a worst case scenario.) What to do?

Before I try and act like the marriage therapist that I'm not, let me further discuss the role of the male in this midlife crisis. Us women- believing we are the center of our husband's lives-probably don't understand why and how our husbands can undergo such a crisis. The truth is, men begin to realize that they have lost their masculinity. They have become family man. They look around and see butterflies flying over couples with brawny boyfriends flirting with their slender girlfriends. The husband looks down and realizes he is holding his sons hand and a McDonald Happy Meal. He thinks, "Where did life take me? How fast did my good years pass? What happened to my six pack?" They start thinking and over analyzing like women and enter their mid life crisis. What each man experiments with/whom in their crisis might be different. Some men might not even enter this stage, but the point of the stage is to prove to themselves that they are still capable of doing everything they did when they were younger. This trailer is what they try to prove to themselves they can still obtain.

Women, we have so many things to worry about that we might not even realize our husbands are in such a stage. I am not married, nor do I have children, but the best twenty one year old advice I can give you is to first look inward. Have you neglected your husband? Have you been a btich? Is there a reason things have changed and have you discussed concerns (if any) with your partner? There is no need to do things or feel things behind each-other's backs. An open relationship is a healthy one. There is no need to fear the other's response, because chances are you two are not the only ones who feel this way. You should remember the laughs, smiles, and reason why you got married in the first place and find the strength to sort things out. True love conquers all!

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